Thursday, September 18, 2008

Can you believe it? I can't..

Can you believe it?

I actually went for Hall Productions' auditions for ensemble and they miraculously accepted me! I guess they didn't want to embarrass me so they lowered their standards and took in this lousy, tone deaf and out-of-tune little girl here. It all began over dinner as Ming Hui started to psycho me to join ensemble. His excuse was that as a final year student, I should graduate with a BANG and join Hall Prod ensemble. Oh well.. I did thought of joining ensemble this year after watching last year's Hall Prod. It seemed so fun to be part of the cast. But I hesitated, fearing that I won't be able to manage my time well. Let's see how things will turn out to be next semester as the practices and rehearsals commence. =)

Next week is recess week! Oh man.. though there isn't much things going on, I still gotta MUG hard and catch up with all 7 weeks' worth of work and prepare for AA304 presentation when school reopens. ArgHhhhh!

Cheryl will be flying off to Scotland tomorrow and the whole gang will be going to see her off. It'll be a dinner date for all of us at the airport.

Let's see what I can do for 304 presentation now..


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Final Year Syndrome

As the title suggests, the final year syndrome has taken the better of me. So what exactly does this new syndrome in the medical world means?

It just means that someone who is in his/her final year of studies just wants to take a step back from all affairs and live in his/her own world. Of course, not all final year students experience this special type of syndrome. But I must say about 80% of the people do. I wonder if that makes me a hermit crab?

I simply love to coop myself up in my room and enjoy the peace within me.

Anybody wanna join me? =)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Just what was that suppose to mean?

I am dumb.

Just tell me straight.
