oh my god! results will be out on 8 June!! How to check when I won't be in singapore? hopefully aunt brings her laptop to China or gotta rely on bro to check for me. shits..!
Here's a short recap on the terrible and horrifying exams. AA102 was alright, except for my lousy answers to the qualitative questions. I hope my quantitative answers won't lose that much marks cos of my renowned carelessness. AB105 was really stupid. I didn't make use of that much materials taught. No wonder people say OB is common sense and u enter the exam hall just to "sian" your way through. AB106 was the 2nd terrible one. The 1st qns stunned me and caught me unprepared. couldn't change all my answers to the 1st qns in time so wth? I didn't know wat I was doing for that entire paper. Seriously felt like throwing the exam paper at the setter's face. pardon me for my contemplated rude behaviour. The worst paper of all is STATS!! my god! one main reason was i didn't have enough time to prepare for it cos HP806 ended very late the previous night and I was cramming stats in like 3hrs? Didn't have time to finish stats and half the time I didn't know what the question is asking. This is my most feared paper. I'm just hoping for the minimum grade to pass. *keeping fingers crossed* The best paper I've done is obviously HP806. Quite common sensical questions and I was lucky enough to have thought of memorising all the different names like BASIC Ph and the procedures to some debriefing thing. But there were others that I didn't even know existed, like the grieving topic.
I'm happy with just a pass in all subjects.Really.
praying hard,
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
taking us for granted
I'm back if you've been thinking that I've been MIA-ing. Have been working at my cousin's little stall selling bread, cakes, tarts and waffles. Working hours are really shitty: 9.30am-10pm on some days while others are like 12pm-10pm..
Nature of the work:
1. Greet customers politely
2. Smile the whole day long
3. Promote the cakes and tarts like the irritating promoters that i hate at shopping centres
4. Make waffles for super long queues at times and i tend to forget to collect payment when I get really busy and stressed by the many orders.
5. Hardly get to rest my legs!!
6. The manual cash register really gets me scared of giving change to customers cos i'm really not good with quick mental sums.
7. Get to play with babies and little kids =)
8. Irregular meals hours cos the stupid crowd really makes u feel like not eating
The feeling of being exploited isn't really fantastic at all. She has been getting dad and i down to the stall everyday that we don't seem to have a life at all! I haven been having meals at home for the past 1 week an always ended up having to record my TV shows. I thought dad and i could spend some time with sis next week cos she's on leave already but looks like I'll be "mobilised". WTF!
Seriously, if u need someone to look after ur biz for u, pls get someone permanent and someone more directly related. Call me selfish if you want but i really dun agree with this arrangement. Our lives do not belong to you and we have better things to do!!! Why did you have to go thru aunt to get dad to help u? or did aunt approach dad out of her own accord?
I will spin a whole series of white lies the coming days and i noe i can get away with it. It's dad that wo bu fang xin. Knowing his character, he'll definitely go down to help even when i'm not going. I don't want him to work so hard and it just makes me feel that he's being made use of simply because he's not working anymore. I want him to enjoy the remaining days to 1 June to prepare the necessaries for the wedding.
And so I was complaining to dad and mum just now and i was so angry that tears started flowing and my voice quivered. yes, that is how pissed I was. Dad tried to reason with me but i just cant think from his perspective. dad says the reason why cousin wanted us to help was that she trusted us enuff. I dun need cousin to trust me. I just want to enjoy my holidays. Yes, I'm selfish. I'm self-centred.
the selfish girl,
I'm back if you've been thinking that I've been MIA-ing. Have been working at my cousin's little stall selling bread, cakes, tarts and waffles. Working hours are really shitty: 9.30am-10pm on some days while others are like 12pm-10pm..
Nature of the work:
1. Greet customers politely
2. Smile the whole day long
3. Promote the cakes and tarts like the irritating promoters that i hate at shopping centres
4. Make waffles for super long queues at times and i tend to forget to collect payment when I get really busy and stressed by the many orders.
5. Hardly get to rest my legs!!
6. The manual cash register really gets me scared of giving change to customers cos i'm really not good with quick mental sums.
7. Get to play with babies and little kids =)
8. Irregular meals hours cos the stupid crowd really makes u feel like not eating
The feeling of being exploited isn't really fantastic at all. She has been getting dad and i down to the stall everyday that we don't seem to have a life at all! I haven been having meals at home for the past 1 week an always ended up having to record my TV shows. I thought dad and i could spend some time with sis next week cos she's on leave already but looks like I'll be "mobilised". WTF!
Seriously, if u need someone to look after ur biz for u, pls get someone permanent and someone more directly related. Call me selfish if you want but i really dun agree with this arrangement. Our lives do not belong to you and we have better things to do!!! Why did you have to go thru aunt to get dad to help u? or did aunt approach dad out of her own accord?
I will spin a whole series of white lies the coming days and i noe i can get away with it. It's dad that wo bu fang xin. Knowing his character, he'll definitely go down to help even when i'm not going. I don't want him to work so hard and it just makes me feel that he's being made use of simply because he's not working anymore. I want him to enjoy the remaining days to 1 June to prepare the necessaries for the wedding.
And so I was complaining to dad and mum just now and i was so angry that tears started flowing and my voice quivered. yes, that is how pissed I was. Dad tried to reason with me but i just cant think from his perspective. dad says the reason why cousin wanted us to help was that she trusted us enuff. I dun need cousin to trust me. I just want to enjoy my holidays. Yes, I'm selfish. I'm self-centred.
the selfish girl,
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
childhood excitement
Not sure to be honoured or not to have people so interested in my everyday life that they're constantly bugging me to update my blog. Or are u all just kpo? hahhax.. =)
So my trip to China has been confirmed.. Flying on 8jun midnight (leaving for airport on 7jun) and coming back on 14jun 5am.. But dad has plans to drop by at Beijing to tour certain places before we make our way back to sg. so might come back after 14jun. Either taking domestic flight or railway trains to Beijing. I wanna visit the Imperial Palace again! Been to Beijing in P6 and i admit i was a lil too young to really admire the place. So now's a good time to revisit the place. (",) Yay!! We get to visit Ms Saw at Shanghai and play with her lil darling of 5mths! woots!
I remember I used to get really excited over overseas holiday trips. But not this time. There are 2 possibilities. The 1st is perhaps I've hit the phase in life where you just lose the excitement you use to get when you were younger. The 2nd is maybe too much of something makes u take it for granted and not treasure it that much. I guess the 1st case applies to me. I don't travel so often so the 2nd one is invalid.haha! The 1st case also applies to my loss of excitement during CNY. When I was younger, I welcome each CNY with such warmth that I get real excited and immerse myself totally in the cny mood. But not in these recent years. Maybe partly the adults are now asking if i have a bf cos my cousins are slowly bringing their partners to visitings and it gets real irritating when they keep harping on the norm that it's-time-to-find-ur-bf-in-uni. Is there a law that says this? Please show me..
There was once in kindergarten when I was going for a holiday trip to some nearby country and I couldn't get to sleep the previous day. I woke up extremely early, yanking my mum off the bed telling her it's time to wake up. To my disappointment, she told me its not time yet. Oh man.. you can imagine the look of dismal on my little face. So I headed back to bed and time seemed to pass soooooooooo slowly then..
How nice would it be to return to the younger days and experience the feelings of excitement all over again.
Not sure to be honoured or not to have people so interested in my everyday life that they're constantly bugging me to update my blog. Or are u all just kpo? hahhax.. =)
So my trip to China has been confirmed.. Flying on 8jun midnight (leaving for airport on 7jun) and coming back on 14jun 5am.. But dad has plans to drop by at Beijing to tour certain places before we make our way back to sg. so might come back after 14jun. Either taking domestic flight or railway trains to Beijing. I wanna visit the Imperial Palace again! Been to Beijing in P6 and i admit i was a lil too young to really admire the place. So now's a good time to revisit the place. (",) Yay!! We get to visit Ms Saw at Shanghai and play with her lil darling of 5mths! woots!
I remember I used to get really excited over overseas holiday trips. But not this time. There are 2 possibilities. The 1st is perhaps I've hit the phase in life where you just lose the excitement you use to get when you were younger. The 2nd is maybe too much of something makes u take it for granted and not treasure it that much. I guess the 1st case applies to me. I don't travel so often so the 2nd one is invalid.haha! The 1st case also applies to my loss of excitement during CNY. When I was younger, I welcome each CNY with such warmth that I get real excited and immerse myself totally in the cny mood. But not in these recent years. Maybe partly the adults are now asking if i have a bf cos my cousins are slowly bringing their partners to visitings and it gets real irritating when they keep harping on the norm that it's-time-to-find-ur-bf-in-uni. Is there a law that says this? Please show me..
There was once in kindergarten when I was going for a holiday trip to some nearby country and I couldn't get to sleep the previous day. I woke up extremely early, yanking my mum off the bed telling her it's time to wake up. To my disappointment, she told me its not time yet. Oh man.. you can imagine the look of dismal on my little face. So I headed back to bed and time seemed to pass soooooooooo slowly then..
How nice would it be to return to the younger days and experience the feelings of excitement all over again.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Guide to know what your friends think of you
Have you ever wondered what your close friends actually think of you and your achievements? Let the guru teach you! It is only through their unintentional words that you can see how your friends actually view you. I just had 2 such encounters this week.
The conclusion I came to isn't that optimistic. To me, they think that I don't deserve what I have now simply because we didn't deviate that much and if they couldn't get it, why should I? But well, who are you to give that judgement? There must be certain underlying strengths in me that outshines yours (i'm not bragging but just to illustrate a point). I don't give a damn to what you think because I lead my life and you have no rights to interfer in it.
Went down to Chinatown these 2 days in search of travel packages. Finally dad and I found one that suited all of our schedules. And that is 黄山! Yay! Hopefully this trip is successful because alot of times our plans are not realised. So please do not dash my hopes..!
The conclusion I came to isn't that optimistic. To me, they think that I don't deserve what I have now simply because we didn't deviate that much and if they couldn't get it, why should I? But well, who are you to give that judgement? There must be certain underlying strengths in me that outshines yours (i'm not bragging but just to illustrate a point). I don't give a damn to what you think because I lead my life and you have no rights to interfer in it.
Went down to Chinatown these 2 days in search of travel packages. Finally dad and I found one that suited all of our schedules. And that is 黄山! Yay! Hopefully this trip is successful because alot of times our plans are not realised. So please do not dash my hopes..!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
the engagement..
With special requests from ant and para, i shall now update. haha. maybe you guys should do this more often so that I won't get lazy. (",)
13 May 2007/Mother's Day
Last Sunday was Sis' engagement day. Yes, it is the kind that you see in TV shows where the groom brings oranges, candles blah blah. My future bro-in-law brought oranges, 2 bottles of red wine, 2 pairs of candles (apparently there're 2 different kinds and the bride's family is supposed to keep one of them and the groom takes back the other), many many cans of pig's trotters (requested by my family cos it symbolises 骨肉), many many boxes of cakes and not forgetting the big big angbao(the 聘金 i suppose) in which we kept a portion of the sum and return the remainder to the groom. I shan't disclose how much was in it..hiak hiak hiak!
Relatives started arriving early in the morning at about 7+am to start preparing lunch for the many many other relatives who have yet to to come. OMG and they are the ones who woke me up from my precious sleep. Guess wat?! i woke up at FREAKING 7.45am! 1st time since the start of holidays. The entire lunch was like a war. The kitchen and the whole house was like in a war-torn area. So many chefs in the kitchen all giving commands and the kitchen just isn't big enough. You can imagine how chaotic it was. But nonetheless all the old folks enjoyed this "war". I may complain about how noisy the old folks were and how dirty the house was but i'm really blessed and grateful to be part of this huge family who helps you out unconditionally meets up every other day. Very few such families around now..
One of my mum's frens commented that he thought we're opening a shoe shop when he saw the shoes outside at the car porch. I should have taken a picture of that scene! wasted..haiz.. but nvm, i took pictures of the enormous bunch of bananas that we(the bride's family) bought for the groom to take back as part of the engagement ceremony. The bananas resembles 多子多孙。Mind you there were 118 bananas in that bunch after some serious counting by the groom's family. Apparently only the hainanese or maybe only my 家族 has the practice of inviting relatives over to celebrate the engagement, be it you're the bride or groom. 60 people present that day is simply an underestimate. I think there was easily 80 people in my house that day.
So my sis was the limelight that day (I'm stating the obvious right?) with everyone congratulating her and asking to look at her wedding album. It set me pondering how exactly is my sis feeling right now? If it was me, I would certainly feel a slight tinge of sadness cos I'll be leaving this family which I have lived with for 28 yrs and starting a life of my own. FYI, their flat is ready at sengkang.
After all the guests have left, we no doubt did all the cleaning up. oh man.. You won't want to know how much work there was! I finally got to rest at 11.30pm. Quite an enjoyable gathering despite the hardwork.
Congrats my dear sis! Here's wishing you a happy-and-happy-and still happy marriage!
13 May 2007/Mother's Day
Last Sunday was Sis' engagement day. Yes, it is the kind that you see in TV shows where the groom brings oranges, candles blah blah. My future bro-in-law brought oranges, 2 bottles of red wine, 2 pairs of candles (apparently there're 2 different kinds and the bride's family is supposed to keep one of them and the groom takes back the other), many many cans of pig's trotters (requested by my family cos it symbolises 骨肉), many many boxes of cakes and not forgetting the big big angbao(the 聘金 i suppose) in which we kept a portion of the sum and return the remainder to the groom. I shan't disclose how much was in it..hiak hiak hiak!
Relatives started arriving early in the morning at about 7+am to start preparing lunch for the many many other relatives who have yet to to come. OMG and they are the ones who woke me up from my precious sleep. Guess wat?! i woke up at FREAKING 7.45am! 1st time since the start of holidays. The entire lunch was like a war. The kitchen and the whole house was like in a war-torn area. So many chefs in the kitchen all giving commands and the kitchen just isn't big enough. You can imagine how chaotic it was. But nonetheless all the old folks enjoyed this "war". I may complain about how noisy the old folks were and how dirty the house was but i'm really blessed and grateful to be part of this huge family who helps you out unconditionally meets up every other day. Very few such families around now..
One of my mum's frens commented that he thought we're opening a shoe shop when he saw the shoes outside at the car porch. I should have taken a picture of that scene! wasted..haiz.. but nvm, i took pictures of the enormous bunch of bananas that we(the bride's family) bought for the groom to take back as part of the engagement ceremony. The bananas resembles 多子多孙。Mind you there were 118 bananas in that bunch after some serious counting by the groom's family. Apparently only the hainanese or maybe only my 家族 has the practice of inviting relatives over to celebrate the engagement, be it you're the bride or groom. 60 people present that day is simply an underestimate. I think there was easily 80 people in my house that day.
So my sis was the limelight that day (I'm stating the obvious right?) with everyone congratulating her and asking to look at her wedding album. It set me pondering how exactly is my sis feeling right now? If it was me, I would certainly feel a slight tinge of sadness cos I'll be leaving this family which I have lived with for 28 yrs and starting a life of my own. FYI, their flat is ready at sengkang.
After all the guests have left, we no doubt did all the cleaning up. oh man.. You won't want to know how much work there was! I finally got to rest at 11.30pm. Quite an enjoyable gathering despite the hardwork.
Congrats my dear sis! Here's wishing you a happy-and-happy-and still happy marriage!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
chill out..
Met up with TCCs today. Alright, technically it was yesterday but for simplicity, it was TODAY! hahax. We met up for dinner at pizza place at Raffles City. There were Diana, sk, Therese, nuraini and me for dinner. Nuraini had to leave after dinner so she didn't join us at Timbre. Apparently diana thought that i will inform pris and i thought she will do the same. So... Pris called when we were at cityhall station and told sk that she didnt receive any sms. oops! that's when diana realised our miscommunication! haha..oh well..Quite funny though..but sorry pris!
Ok so we went to Timbre after dinner. We took a damn long time to decide on the drinks cos all of us are suakus! So we got the waitress to recommend and apparently she was quite new too. We asked for promotions and we settled for a jug of vodka cranberry and it comes with a complimentary plate of calamari. We were trying to stall for time to wait for pris to come (but she didn't in the end). So we took damn long to start attacking the calamari. The crew were so weird to not give us any cutlery in the 1st place. haha so funny. Ok so as time goes by and we've emptied the jug, the waitress came to clear the jug..followed slowly by the plate and some of our empty glasses. we suspect that it's a hint that we should leave cos there's a long long queue outside. But we wanted to leave after the live band starts playing so we ordered a pint of heineken and 3 of us shared it. alamak. that stupid band costs us our time and money. damn!
Oh yes! i bumped into kexian and julia there! so coincidental. So we left at 11pm and here i am at home! =)
Met up with TCCs today. Alright, technically it was yesterday but for simplicity, it was TODAY! hahax. We met up for dinner at pizza place at Raffles City. There were Diana, sk, Therese, nuraini and me for dinner. Nuraini had to leave after dinner so she didn't join us at Timbre. Apparently diana thought that i will inform pris and i thought she will do the same. So... Pris called when we were at cityhall station and told sk that she didnt receive any sms. oops! that's when diana realised our miscommunication! haha..oh well..Quite funny though..but sorry pris!
Ok so we went to Timbre after dinner. We took a damn long time to decide on the drinks cos all of us are suakus! So we got the waitress to recommend and apparently she was quite new too. We asked for promotions and we settled for a jug of vodka cranberry and it comes with a complimentary plate of calamari. We were trying to stall for time to wait for pris to come (but she didn't in the end). So we took damn long to start attacking the calamari. The crew were so weird to not give us any cutlery in the 1st place. haha so funny. Ok so as time goes by and we've emptied the jug, the waitress came to clear the jug..followed slowly by the plate and some of our empty glasses. we suspect that it's a hint that we should leave cos there's a long long queue outside. But we wanted to leave after the live band starts playing so we ordered a pint of heineken and 3 of us shared it. alamak. that stupid band costs us our time and money. damn!
Oh yes! i bumped into kexian and julia there! so coincidental. So we left at 11pm and here i am at home! =)
before we attacked the drinks and food!
the red red drinks and the 5 calamaris. hahax.
miss yu, remember our pantry? ;)
"Chang jin" and therese!

The more I look at the tours in Norway, the more i wanna visit it! Love the mountains and glaciers there! oh man... Bring me there!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I'm back at it!
ok i shall be good and consistently blog.. Had quite a few blogs previously but i just didnt have the discipline to keep up with it.
I realised it is very difficult for me to haf a positive outlook in life.. Perhaps i'm a pessimist who doesn't believe in the goodness of life. This explains the title of my blog. I want to be able to focus on the positive side of people and my surroundings.. I wish someone will just help me on that.
There was a recent change of attitude.. And i guess u owe me an explanation on that. I don't want to be left on my own thinking about all the possibilities.
But well.. despite all the unhappiness i have been feeling this whole evening, something nice did happen.. and it really brought me back when i thought it was over. Or maybe it's just a moment of impulse.
Thanks for listening to me venting all my frustrations out.. I guess only u understand.
i just need someone who understands and sees the point..can you be the one?
I realised it is very difficult for me to haf a positive outlook in life.. Perhaps i'm a pessimist who doesn't believe in the goodness of life. This explains the title of my blog. I want to be able to focus on the positive side of people and my surroundings.. I wish someone will just help me on that.
There was a recent change of attitude.. And i guess u owe me an explanation on that. I don't want to be left on my own thinking about all the possibilities.
But well.. despite all the unhappiness i have been feeling this whole evening, something nice did happen.. and it really brought me back when i thought it was over. Or maybe it's just a moment of impulse.
Thanks for listening to me venting all my frustrations out.. I guess only u understand.
i just need someone who understands and sees the point..can you be the one?
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