Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Finally got some exercise!

After 2 weeks of absence from hall, I'm finally back in hall. This time to get involved in IHG/IHRG. Oh it's nothing great. Just to make up the numbers for sports/rec games that lack players. Haha. But I'm playing Boggle willingly! hehe.

So I reached hall this morning at 9.15 and then headed down to support the netball girls at about 10am. Thereafter, went for hockey training. OMG! The hockey pitch is so freaking big! Almost the size of a standard football field! We were only training on 1/3 of the pitch and I was panting and perspiring like nobody's business. But it's a good session.. Good to sweat it out and get myself "exercised"!

So it was lunch after hockey and then headed to Hall 8 to be the umpire for Othello. Hall 1 is the convening hall and as always, will never be able to get enough umpires. I was umpire for 4 games. Initially I found it fun.. But after all the sweating out from hockey, I couldn't take it when I was on the 3rd game. Really felt like dozing off. Worse still, I always get the table where the players take so long to finish a game when others have already finished theirs. Grr.. So for the 4th game, I asked Lawrence (Rec Sec) which halls are the better ones so I can end the game earlier. True enough.. My last game for the day ended very quickly. Hall 15 thrashed Hall 11. Heard that hall 9 is good too.

After othello, I went to kpo on the volleyball training with shi ling and kin hou. Got pulled to train with them after 1 team trained with hall 8 players. Volleyball is quite fun but just that most of the time we couldn't get the ball going. It kept getting "uncaught"..

ok that's all the update for today. Heading out now with sammy, shi ling and zi kai now.. don't know where they wanna go too. So bored in hall so might as well go out.. hiak hiak hiak..

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