Ong Yu Han, 王宇涵 @ 7mths:
This is what she can/has been doing:
This is what she can/has been doing:
- she knows the command "beat beat" or "打打" is to hit her hands on whatever her hands are near. Especially when she's bathing, she will hit the water and get us all wet.
- she will refuse to drink her milk nor sleep when there are many people around her. When she's sleepy, she'll just keep rubbing her eyes but would not make any noise. So we have to bring her to another place where there's just you and her. Only this way can u make her sleep.
- she is quite easy to coax to sleep. Just have to close your eyes and pretend that you're sleeping too and she will toss here and there on her own and eventually fall asleep when she sees that you're sleeping as well. I noticed a pattern in this. Whenever she's playing her hands while using this trick, it means that she's going to fall asleep soon. Sis says perhaps she has nothing else to play so she plays with her hands. You will see her slowly putting down her hands and concuss. haha very cute!
- she made growling sounds like that of a tiger at 7 months and her grandma asked her parents what did they teach her over the weekend when she wasn't under her care. It was quite hilarious.
- she can roll her lips into the shape of tweety bird's mouth. so cute! We adults can't even do that. should video it down one day!
- she has been sticking her tongue out to lick her mouth recently like as though she just ate something delicious. maybe she can pose for a food commercial!
- she remained still in her swimming pool after 2 weeks of not swimming. 陌生导致的。But she warmed up after a while and was happily kicking away.
- she has learnt how to blow just last weekend (28 Nov 08) and it's so funny to see her blowing when you're not doing it at all. I was her teacher for this motor skill lesson. haha.
- she's starting to "choose" people already. She was able to be carried by anyone but less so nowadays. She gets exceptionally 陌生 when she sees people she hardly interacts with when she has just woken up. Luckily she's been okie with us.
- she makes a mess whenever it's porridge/cereal/biscuit time for her. Lots of tissue are wasted per meal.
- her laughter was back on 27 Nov 08 after about 2 months of not hearing her chuckle so much. I played with her in the play pen and was so satisfied when I heard her chuckle again! =)
- it is very difficult to dress her after her bath or to change her diaper cos she can never lie still on the mattress. Every dressing/changing is like a battling a war. the only thing that can make her lie down properly is the 如意油. Jingle it and let her reach for it.
- she is able to play on her own in the play pen and then fall asleep if she's really tired and when she sees nobody around her.
- she has to be coaxed to sleep in an upright position now. she refuses to be coaxed in a cuddling(horizontal) position anymore.
- she has started to use the potty at my place (her maternal side) and sis and I never fail to laugh till we run out of breath every time she uses it. she kept wanting to move the potty with her feet and look at the little lamb logo. Maybe she thinks it is the walker at her paternal grandparents' place which she has been moving around in.
- she gave a particular facial expression when she was given avocado mixed with breast milk when she was 6months old. We concluded that perhaps she didn't like avocado which happens to be mine and sis' favourite. To make her like it, we've been feeding her that every weekend. haha.
- she frowns at dad when she was a mere 2 months old. her mouth will arch and she looked really pitiful. she looked as though she wants to cry but didn't dare to.
The list goes on.. I shall update again another time. Enjoy some snapshots of her!

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